Followers of this blog might recall that Bill Nevard left the farm in the fall of 1948 to begin working full time at the TB sanatorium near Fort Qu'appelle. This journal entry from December 24 of that year gives a brief view of work and life at "the san".
Dec. 24, 1948
Syd Longstaff was helping me today so as to get most of tomorrow's work done ahead. Alfonse Magillis has apparently been fired. After supper I helped Alf Johnson carry the little organ from the lodge to the children's ward. Then we went to the assembly room and joined the other carollers. Then all went back to the kid's ward to start our show. Several of the nurses were there including Miss Gow, Miss Jobson, while Miss White was there to play the violin and Mrs. Phinney the organ. The men present were: Mr. Anderson, Alf Johnson, George Fisher, Frank Froh, Mr. Smith, Jack Mitchell, the Whites, Father and son, Dick and I. We sang carols all over the main building and then went to the pavilions 28, 31 and 32. After which we went back to the assembly room for lunch.
Your first Christmas at the San - my 4th. I was 4 years old.