Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Day Wedding

I meant to post this yesterday but it was a busy day for me having the traditional family
gathering for New Years supper here. For as long as I can remember we always had all the family
get together on New Years day to welcome in the New Year. An old superstition recommended that
a dark haired man should be the first foot in over your doorstep in the new year to promote
good fortune for the rest of the year. And the Nevards were dark haired, therefore the preferred
first guests to arrive on the day.
New Years day, 1919. My grandfather, Horace Nevard and Alice Hall were married that day in Carlton Church, Saxmundham, Suffolk, England. Horace was only recently returned from his services in the Canadian Army in France, Belgium, Germany.
Horace and Alice had known each other for the past 20 years and been in constant overseas correspondence since he emigrated to homestead in N.W.T. (Saskatchewan), Canada in 1903.
In 1916 Horace and his brother Arthur both joined the army and were soon sent to England. Horace
went on to serve in some of the big battles of WWI and was fortunate to survive unscathed.

After their wedding they returned to his homestead in Sask. in August of that year.
I never knew my grandmother as she died a few months before I was born. Through these old photos and the many letters sent by and to her over the years I have gotten to know her better.


  1. Handsome couple. Good way to start a new year!

  2. Hey Ralph, see if you can put a link button or something on your blog. It might be in the "comment" or "settings" section of your dashboard, or whatever your outfit calls it. I'll give you a link once in a while if you can install one.

  3. Thanks Gorges. I'll see what I can do. I know it needs a little work as I don't even receive email alerts when new comments are posted here.

  4. I tried linking to you last night and the thing told me the limit was 256 characters. I don't know what the deal is!


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