Friday, January 24, 2014

Narratives 3/ From Winnipeg to The Poplars

More in the continuing saga of the Nevard's journey to the new land.

Dad was waiting for them in Winnipeg and from there they travelled by train on to the town of Indian Head in what is now Saskatchewan. Dad rented a house from Captain Corse for them to live in for the summer.  Uncle Arthur and Uncle Horrie had work there for the summer too.
During the summer Uncle Horrie had purchased a bicycle which he rode up to the homestead one day. Along the trail he had a flat tire and nothing to repair it with. He called at Fort Qu'appelle but they had nothing to repair the tire with. No luck in Lipton either. He had to stop often to pump up the tire. It was difficult riding the old Touchwood trail where in places the ruts were so deep that one had to be careful not to hit the edges with the pedals or over you would go.

 In October the weather was turning colder. Captain Corse, who was living in a tent for the summer wanted to get back into his own house for the winter so Dad and Uncle Horrie went up to the homestead and built a two room log house. Uncle Horrie said there was a snow storm while they were building.
I believe it was on a Friday when they left Indian Head for the homestead. They started with a loaded hay rack on wheels. When arriving at Fort Qu'appelle there was snow on the ground and they switched the hay rack over to sleigh runners.  They spent that night in the Fort Qu'appelle hotel. I think Dad ate a whole duck for his supper. He said meals were 25 cents.
Saturday morning they continued their way along the Touchwood trail until the reached the Niels Larson stopping house north of Lipton. Larson kept this house for travellers along the trail. They were no more than 3 miles from the homestead so they arrived in good time next morning. Just as they got on to the home quarter the horse tied behind the load broke loose. Uncle Arthur went running off after it and was successful in catching it before it went far. When mother came around the bush and caught first sight of the house I don't think she was very impressed. Bill was safely hid amongst the various household effects and could see nothing.
Uncle Horrie chored for Tom Norris that winter of 1906-07 while Uncle Arthur chored for one of the Watsons. One day Bill thought that snow looked tempting, so nice and white. He took a lick of it off the edge of a metal dipper and his tongue stuck to the metal. Results were that he had a very sore tongue for the next few days.
It was a long cold winter and they were only too glad to see spring come  Bill enjoyed running from one bare spot of ground  to the next. Mother never saw another woman all winter.

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