Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bill Turns 65

February 23, 1967
At last I have attained my 65th birthday and retirement. Laurence Robillard worked for me so I could have the day free and after dinner I walked up to the San for my party in the assembly room.
It was also a party for Mrs. Regal who is being retired on account of ill health. Her son-in-law and daughter, Brodners from Dysart brought her.
A good representation of the staff turned up to wish us well. Someone said there was over 100 present. Dr. Barnett handed me a purse from the staff with $103 in it and of course we had coffee and cakes.
February 25
My last day of work at the San and I managed to get through it without  collapsing. Dick went to a Church school meeting this afternoon. It was a beautiful moonlight morning when I went to work.
Studio portrait from 1975.
Group photo of some of the Fort San workers including Bill Nevard upper right. Early 1950s.


  1. $103 was big bucks in '67. He was obviously well-liked.

  2. You are right Gorges. He was a very likable person.


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